Music Of The Waters - online book

Sailors' Chanties, Songs Of The Sea, Boatmen's, Fishermen's,
Rowing Songs, & Water Legends with lyrics & sheet music

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Music of the Waters.             163
Grands, beaux, et forts, pleins de
souplesse, Jarrets tendus, suants, courbes, La maille, a la barque maitresse, Par quatre vous tient accouples.
Et contre l'eau le train remonte,
A la file les bateaux vont;
II vente, il pleut, rien ne vous
dompte, Pluie et soleil rien ne vous font.
Big, beautiful, strong and supple, With legs distended, sweating and
bent, The ring to the principal boat, By four together holds you coupled.
And against the tide the train
remounts, In file the boats go by ; It may blow, it may rain, but nothing
stops you, Rain and sun are all one to you.
Following the mariner's path One can see you pawing and swim­ming, Over streams and rivers you go With an almost indomitable courage."
Be it from Aries, or Beaucaire, From Tarascon or Avignon, You take the cargo to Lyons, Scarely without stopping.
What numbers of towns and villages, What mountains, what castles, Must the sailors have seen From the bridge of their boats during these voyages !
As they sail their thoughts fly
To those whom they have left all
alone. Their thoughts fly as softly caressed As women caress their children.
But here comes the most difficult
part, The Revestidon so feared, " Horses ! go, step quietly, And don't walk to the side."
The six boats are then separated, And two by two they pass it; Horses and men in the hubbub Fighting against water, sand, and ditches.
Prepared for the bad passage, Bravely they come through it, And the sailors, according to custon-, Say, " We are revesti."
Then the troops go off
Towards the biggest farm in the
district ; Under the poplars of the walks, At the Durbane they go and sit
Ruivant les sentes marinieres, L'on vous voit piaffer et nager ; Vous traversez ruisseaux, rivieres, Sans jamais vous decourager.
Et soit d'Arles, soit de Beaucaire, De Tarascon ou d'Avignon, Vous amenez, n'arretant guere, Le chargement jusqu'a. Lyon.
Que de villes, que de villages, Que de montagnes, de chateaux, Les marins, pendant ces voyages, Ont vus du pont de leurs bateaux !
Tout en naviguant, leurs pensees A ceux qu'ils ont laisses seulets, S'en vont, doucement caressees, Des femmes aux enfantelots.
Mais voici l'endroit difficile, Le Revestidon redoute, Chevaux, allez d'un pas tranquille, Et ne marchez point a. cfite.
Les six bateaux, on les separe, Et deux par deux ils sont passes, Chevaux et gens, dans la bagarre, Luttant contre eau, sable et fosses.
Prepares au mauvais passage, Bravement ils en sont sortis, Et les marins, selon l'usage, Dissent, "Nous somraes revesti !"
Puis la troupe s'en est allee Vers le plus grand mas du terroir ; Sous les peupliers de l'allee, A la Durbane on va s'asseoir.